Godherja Encyclopedia

In the Voidcaller's Web (event)

Character: Queen Olymphoras of Legio LII 'Redrock Guard'

The Voidborne Hordes that destroyed the First Empire... when my ancestors saw the Kartharaddi hordes march into Malcois in the Chaos of the Seventh Century, they declared the Kartharaddi themselves the descendant of the dark soulless beings that sought to consume the sun, and take from man the light of the Purest anew.

I have seen the truth. My ancestors were wrong. It was not the long-dead Kartharaddi, or the barbarian Sjalvolki whom the merchants claim shall soon devour the homeland. It is these cultists, these wretched abominations that wear the false-flesh of men. Centuries of near-silence passed in the dark corners which we allowed them to fester, and with no movement even after Frodbrokna and the decades of conflict in our lands, they have chosen now to strike.

As city after city is devoured by these impure scum, scum of an entire other variety have seen fit to damn us all. Zikti, the city which my Legion has defended for five centuries, has been taken by pirate scum even as we desperately work to hold oblivion from the gates. Now Zigdardik has been consumed and my battered forces truly cut-off, and if I am to evacuate my men and the remaining people's from this land to, Purest-willing, mount the counter offensive, I will have to go through that bastard...

If the Redlanders get me first then I shall drag you down with me, Zenobios!