Godherja Encyclopedia

Stalwart Amidst Turmoil (event)

Character: Duke Narthros Bylaxes of Legio LXXI 'Brass-Arms'

My father, Rhubias, was one of very few rebels who survived the Blue Robe Revolt, the Battle for the Aironoiakaan, and Frodbrokna. A lucky man, to have lived through all he did, and what good it did for us who remained after his passing.

The legion has withered here, hiding on this island. In my thirty years as Legon since his passing, I've held strong against the wretched Axiaotheists to our south, the vile barbarians across the Kasiryat, and secured a powerful alliance with the Three Cities League,.

With the League's riches and manpower, the time has come to do more than merely survive, and move beyond this petty island that we've hidden on for half a century.

May these 'Brass-Arms' find new strength...