Godherja Encyclopedia

The Dying Breaths of Manat (event)

Character: Count Ukisu kin Nesamu of Alnotan

For millennia, the Manat have ruled our corner of Sarradon, and until less than a century ago, it seemed as if we would rule for millennia more. Even as vassals of heathens, the Manat faith remained strong, dutifully recovering and translating Sacred Texts just as we always had. However, in the past dozen years, one man changed all of that. His ideals of banishing the barbarian invaders from the north were righteous enough, and I would blame none for following him, if he were Manat. However, he is not, but his words have enchanted many Manat faithful, with many rulers, including my liege, having converted to his ways. While some part of me wants to believe that our faith can survive this, the chances of that are growing slimmer each new year. We are even without a Dogena Dikirib, with the New Library having been conquered by barbarians just a decade ago, and the former Nomera Dikirib, Nolnge, having fled to my court, now merely my realm's Nomera Kedogena. And now, my realm contains the last library of the Manat faith, and I must do all I can to protect it, and in doing so, protect the faith. For if I cannot...

...I may be the last soul to enter the Divine Library of the Gods