Godherja Encyclopedia

The King of the Hill (event)

Character: Duke Hykopas of Legio LXXX 'Shield of the North'

This fucking Empire, filled with prissy little bitches and panicking cowards. They'd have left us to die in the Fog, spat on my men even as we did the good work of the Empire. Who are they to deny the taxes a Legon rightfully gets to collect? Call me a false legionnaire just because I'm of the so-called 'Hero Legions', eh? Created by Saint Eos his-fuckin'-self we was, blood of a thousand Purests and Thundercrons flowing through my northern blood and a bunch of boy-fucking southern women-looking nobles want to tell us where we can or can't go?

That bitch Dethas tried to stop us from feeding ourselves, that barbarian she bent over for called us 'bandits' and 'reavers' and tried to send his cunts after us too. And those Goans! Hah! Let the lot of them rot.

The north is no more, no more money to be had, or folks to protect. We were lucky to find the southern gates before the Fog hit us, and lucky these dumbfuck locals were stupid enough to open the gates! Hah! What year did these Amagheans think it was, that you can just let in whoever wanders up with a legion standard? We can't be blamed for taking our toll and 'resupplying' the legion, they clearly didn't want their shit.

And now these blabbering fucking yokels want us dead too! The Shield of the North has killed a thousand barbarian armies, we've fought the hellish Whitelings of the Fog, broke the Winter Legion, and thrown open the doors to the south. We shall never die! It is the place of legions to take as we need for the Empire or whatever, and now it is my choice. Shall we sit here, and wait for these Amagheans to stop caring about some mountain we took fair and square, or is it time to see if the tales of the riches of the south are true?

Personally, I'd rather see this Fog well the fuck behind me...