Godherja Encyclopedia

Fogeaters (concept)

Fogeaters are the Mutated remains of humans who were left trapped in the Foglands after Frodbrokna. Whether they can still be considered human, mutated human, or a form of Fogbeast is hotly debated, and little is known about the particulars of their 'culture' or beliefs.

What is known is that they were once a series of tribes scattered across the far northeast, and unlike most who die when trapped within the Fog, they instead adapted to it and changed into something different. They now uniformly worship what they call the 'Mistmother', a personification of the fog, who they believe speaks to them through it.

Fogeaters themselves have little remains of human sentience, generally little more than gibbering wrecks who have only retained enough sentience to perform raids and ambushes out of the foglands and kill themselves upon capture. Physically, they possess an unnaturally pale skin from which many of their veins and sometimes even organs can be seen through, and unnaturally spindly and ill-proportioned limbs. Their eyes retain multiple colors not seen in other humans as well, including reds, purples, whites and blacks. Blindness is prevalent, though they seem unnaturally immune to most known sicknesses, and have far less need for food or water in comparison to humans. Despite this, cannibalism is extremely common, somehow connected to their odd religious beliefs.

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