Godherja Encyclopedia

Fogbeasts (concept)

A Fogbeast is any Creature that was summoned by or Mutated in the Fog. Aversarian scholars generally separate them into two groups:

-Fogbeasts of Mutation:
Creatures twisted by exposure to the Fog in shape and mind. Wolves, bears, and elk are common, though there have been reports of even things as innocuous as trees and the ground itself acting as if sentient. Fogeaters can also be considered a kind of Fogbeast.

-Fogbeasts of Thought:
Creatures spawned by basic human fears and thought while exposed to the Fog. Contrary to common belief, these fears are not active ones, and Fogbeasts of Thought can not simply be prevented by thinking 'happy thoughts'. Instead the Fog will often find deeply held worries and beliefs, and manifest them into nightmarish creatures vaguely inspired by this. An often held saying of the Fog goes: "In the Fog, if you hear a monster, you've already made it."

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