Godherja Encyclopedia

The Wolf of the East (event)

Character: Cormag Fenrus 'the Old Dog'

Cenware is a fool.

A union of the Sjalvolki? Holding hands with weak foreigners? Settling down in the castles of the Aversarians that made them so effeminate? Next he'll be wearing robes and talking about the beauty of magics.

If the other's want to be fools and prance about like a bunch of weak heathens then so be it. If I must be the only sane man in the Sjalvolki than so be it. Our independence is our strength, our savagery, our creed. It was I who took the so-called jeweled city of Asiupoli, and it will be I who carves out a future for the Fenvir people and none other. If the 'Witch-Breaker' wants to pretend like he is our leader then so be it, it will be I who sets the legacy of our people.

The Sjalvolki will be strong, in tradition, not in change.