Godherja Encyclopedia

To Rule the Seas (event)

Character: Heraklios the Sea King

Sometimes I like to think. Real long thoughts, have a good think as I'm sitting on a ship or in my keep or at a battlefield. Long and hard thoughts. Like what makes life so enjoyable? Why am I so damn good at what I do?

Well, I guess it's because there's only one Heraklios. Who can be the 'rightful Aautokratir of Aversaria, a proficient Magi of only the purest stock, and the greatest pirate who has ever lived if not I?

Only one thing can trouble me, the constant demands from some of the men about my 'promises'. I suppose building a fleet by promising each sailor a chunk of Etepezea on an... inventive claim may have been poorly thought out, but hell. I am Heraklios! There's no problems for me, only new opportunities.

Plunder or glory... or maybe both!