Godherja Encyclopedia

Aegispact (faith)

Parent: Aegispact

The Aegispact was the legendary vow made by the twelve refugee kings and queens of the mainland and the thirty-and-one tribal chieftains of Lonely Light that ended the 'Bloody Feuds' - the period of mass bloodshed as refugees poured into the west to flee the Sorrowing of Oejeynica and attempted to establish dominion over the local tribes and the other fleeing mainlanders.

Formed with the defeat of the hated Priccany and Brynd the Sly's retrieval of the Aegis from the far north, the Pact swore all to agree to a single ruler, chosen by each tribe and each king, dedicated not to personal gain but the protection of the Aegis and the defense of Lonely Light. While the Kingdom has risen and fallen many times since, the many disparate religions have long faded into one another, united not by their faith in gods but in their faith in the power of the might Aegis.