Godherja Encyclopedia

Conclave of Opakasija (faith)

Parent: Life Path

Founded by Lifepather missionaries, the Conclave of Opakasija was officialy formed with the codification of the 'Eastern Paths'. A strange merging of pagan Sjalvolki myth and the Lifepaths of the Marchers, the Conclave of Opakasija preaches the existence of four distinct Lifepaths. The Path of the Hunt, focused on the improvement of one's inner self; the Path of the Sword, focused on practicing war and training the body; the Path of the Shepherd, focused on practicing peaceful pursuits and training the mind; and the Path of the Stars, focusing on magic and trickery.

While initially seen as an odd but promising offshoot of the mainstream Marcher faith, with many expecting it to one day join proper northern dogma with the increasing of ties, the Entreatment of Ventell led to the Conclave of Opakasija being declared arch-heresy. With the breaking of ties, the southern worshippers formed their own Conclave to oppose the now antagonistic northerners, and the practices of the southern faith rapidly separated from mainstream Marcher rite.