Godherja Encyclopedia

Cockatrice (animal)

Associated with Dead Magic and Magi, the Cockatrice is a foul tempered and deadly beast. Its eyes are believed to channel the energies of Aervalr into the magic of transmutation - namely bone to stone. Dying to a Cockatrice whose magics are empowered by a full moon is believed to be one of the most painful ways to die.

"The Cockatrice, known to some as a Eagle of Aervalr, to others the Granite Cockerel, and to others still the Alchemical Dragon is a God-Touched beast renowned for its venom, immense ugliness, and foul stench. Most notorious of all is its gaze, piercing and deadly. The cockatrice is known to have an intrinsic relationship with the cycles of Aervalr, and can work transformations of the dead matter of Aeras with but a glance. It is for this reason that Earth Magi use the beast as a heraldic icon. Care should be taken, for if the moon is waxing full the monstrosity is at its most potent. It has a particular fondness for transmuting bone to stone, which has the effect of instantly killing any unfortunate enough to be subjected to its gaze."
- Ragambald Manswel's Godtouched Bestiarium

Such was the advice given by those Magi and guides we consulted. Our anticipation grew as we approached the beast's lair. Signs of its presence were clear in the form of petrified trees and the bones of wildlife turned to stone, still adorned with rotted scraps of skin and fur. As we approach the hollow whence it has made its home, we are struck with an overbearing stench - not of death or rot, but more reminiscent of an alchemist's rubbish heap. The beast appears to have formed a nest of petrified trees, twisted and pulled over the top to form an enveloping canopy. My hunting party looks at me with clear terror in their eyes. Though we have taken every precaution and ensured the phase of Aervalr is favorable, this fight is still bound to be a terrible one.