Dead Magi (concept)
Dead Magi (also known as Earth Magi, Moon Magi or Dark Magi) is a description for any Magi that primarily draws their power from dead things. While traditionally associated with necromancy and, even worse, Lichdom, in actuality the vast majority of Dead Magi never even bother learning these arts.
'Dead' things to be drawn upon by Dead Magi are varied. The bones of long-dead Creatures or the dried husks of trees, dried earth, and most of all the shattered moon of Aervalr. Dead Magi often see their powers wax and wane along with the moon above. At its dimmest, Dead Magi may struggle to cast even basic spells, while at the full moon they can become the most terrifying of spellcasters.
Lichdom is only achievable by Dead Magi, and the Sorrowing of Oejeynica long caused repression of Dead Magi through Continental society, though this has largely faded away over the centuries.