Godherja Encyclopedia

Living Magi (concept)

Living Magi (also known as Blood Magi, Life Magi or sometimes Fire Magi) is a description for any Magic users specializing in the use and manipulation of Living Magic. Different from Earth Magi who draw power from dead things and Mixed Magi who draw power from the immaterial, Living Magi draw their power from living things. This can be animals, blood, plants and more. While Living Magi can technically get by simply on non-sentient means, casting at any proper level traditionally requires the blood of a human.

The most common of Magi, Living Magi are a wide ranging lot who can use their magic to do anything from heal the sick to launching great fireballs or causing the human body to literally explode. The most famous Living Magi in history is perhaps Aeschraes, who cast the Self-Replicating Blood Magic that ended the world and caused Frodbrokna.

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