Godherja Encyclopedia

Sycharcegs (culture)

The Sycharcegs are the most like the Old Kikarsagi; the bötai are central to Kunsag culture and youths that fail to join are ostracized and deemed ineligible for marriage. Youths are only considered adults when they kill an enemy, though this can include prisoners and criminals. Before the Frodbrokna, bötai were used as auxiliaries in the eastern legions, though now they hunt for Aversarians to kill so that they may become Chosen Men.

Like all Kikarsagi cultures, the concept of ardara, is held in high regard. To the Sycharcegs, to have ardara is to be brave in combat, to slaughter one's enemies and their people, and to be pure of blood. Purity of blood is gained through killing enemies and the impure; formerly these were the enemies of Aversaria, but now the Aversarians themselves must be slain to attain purity.

Magi in general and Blood Magi in particular hold great power in Sycharceg society, serving mainly as a priestly class. Magic ability is viewed as a sign of possessing the favor of the gods, and Magi are treated accordingly, though Earth Magi are persecuted for being 'impure'. Human sacrifice - previously shunned by the Old Kikarsagi - is viewed as acceptable for the purposes of magic. Sycharceg horsemen are among the best in the world, and it is said that they use banners of human skin in place of cloth.