Atrakar (culture)
The Atrakar were the last of the Old Kikarsagi to surrender, and so were punished by the Aversarians with clan extermination. Though they adopted Aversarian trappings like their cultural kinsmen, in secret they maintain a cult of personality worshiping Nartakhatan Ozkan and his wife Nartahatun Betun, their last independent rulers and culture heroes who chose death over surrender.
The Atrakaran conception of ardara is loyalty to Ozkan and Betun; because their dynasty was exterminated, this loyalty is shown mainly through emulating them and battling against their enemies, the Iyrossi and the Aversarian. As both Ozkan and Betun exemplified the Old Kikarsagi ideal of ardara, the Atrakaran conception of it is very similar.
Like all Kikarsagi cultures, the bötai is an important part of Atrakaran society; in emulation of Ozkan and Betun, both men and women must join a böta and participate in a raid to be considered an adult and eligible for marriage. Atrakar horsemen - famed for their ferocity - were used by Aversarian lords to terrorize rebellious slaves, and after the Frodbrokna they now terrorize and slaughter Aversarian.
Magic is mainly relegated to spiritual roles, though there is no prohibition against secular rulers being Magi. Blood Magi are respected and greatly feared, while Earth Magi are persecuted as unclean and impure.