Mixed Magi (concept)
Mixed Magi (also known as Fog Magi, Grey Magi, Ethereal Magi or Dream Magi) are practitioners of the strange art of Mixed Magic, a School of Magic that entered the history books with Frodbrokna and the arrival of the Fog. As opposed to Living Magi who draw power from living things and Earth Magi who draw from the unliving, Mixed Magi draw their power from the otherside of the veil. More accurately, they seem to draw from The Rift, and all the emotions and suffering of the world.
Mixed Magi are generally associated with blindness, an affliction common among their kind as they see less of the material and more of the ephemeral, as well as crows. Despite most cultures seeing them as an evil 'other', Mixed Magi have no strong inclination towards any morality, and their methods of generating Magic are generally far less harmful to others than Living Magi.