Dead Magic (magic school)
Dead Magic is the School of Magic arising from 'dead' materials, namely any object without inherent Magical blood flowing through it. This means the earth, the moon Aervalr, and the long-deceased. Most of Dead Magic's power comes from the power of Aervalr, and the entire school has been thrown into chaos with its shattering. Dead Magi rely on Aervalrian Cycles for their strongest power, and on any given night or day can go from essentially powerless to godlike with a single shift of the moon-phase. Dead Magic is very rare, but is an established school and generally accepted in most of the world.
Masters of Dead Magic can shape the earth into constructs both living and not, predict the future by the phases of the moon, or raise skeletons and bring forth Undead legions, possibly even achieving Lichdom. Practitioners are normally called Earth Magi, though Earth Magi, Moon Magi and Dark Magi also refer to them.