Godherja Encyclopedia

Akhasar (concept)

A legendary Kashiyran general during the Blue Robe Revolt, Akhasar 'the Son of Many Suns' Sanorayattakash'taya was initially disparaged due to refusing any form of open battle against the Aversarians for five years despite their numerous raids. However, Akhasar soon proved his strategic acumen, attacking the Aversarian legions as they marched south to quell the revolt, destroying two entire legions. He then led a group of guerillas into Aironoi, destroying nearly every supply depot along the southern border in a single week.

Akhasar later appeared in the midst of the Battle of Baytor's Grave wielding what seemed to be legendary Iorne Seld, to the suprise of both the Aversarian and Ölteni combatants. He wrought havoc inside the Aversarian lines, dueling Agos Slyn himself, and later evaded Jajak Otroka by cunningly hiding within his opponents' baggage trains.The Kashiryan general made his final appearance at the Battle for the Aironoiakaan, leading the remnants of his guerillas. Akhasar's motives for the attack remain unknown both in legend and record, but many theorize that his ultimate goal was to infiltrate the Aironoiakaan and steal powerful artifacts held in its lower vaults.

It is altogether unknown as to whether Akhasar survived the final battle or Frodbrokna, and the great warrior would thereafter vanish from the annals of history.

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