Godherja Encyclopedia

Battle of Baytor's Grave (concept)

A pivotal moment of the Blue Robe Revolt, the Battle of Baytor's Grave was named for the small creek traversing the battlefield. The battle lasted for fourteen days, with the Aversarian legions led by Agos Slyn weathering several charges by the Öltenic horde of Jajak Otroka. In the midst of the fierce battle, the Kashiryan warlord Akhasar suddenly appeared, somehow rising out of the shallow creek with hundreds of guerillas.

His appearance shocked the Aversarians and Ölteni alike, as he emerged bearing what seemed to be Iorne Seld. Enraged that a foreigner dared claim the legendary blade of his people, Jajak ordered a rash charge towards the Aversarian camp, where it was said that Agos Slyn was crossing blades with Akhasar. The charge proved difficult due to the terrain and stronger Aversarian rear fortifications, costing nearly half of Jajak's personal guard, with the Öltenic chieftain himself being punctured with no less than six arrows.

To his dismay however, Akhasar was nowhere to be found, and Agos soon ordered a counter-offensive. Both forces were so damaged that they would break off and quickly retreat — Agos south and an enraged Jajak back north. The news of fifteen legions nearly being shattered caused political wildfire in the east, and nobles began assisting the rebels through sending forces, supplies, or money — leading Agos Slyn to order a last-ditch assault on the Aironoiakaan.

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