Godherja Encyclopedia

Wars of Silence (concept)

Beginning during the Belar Dynasty, the Wars of Silence serves as a general term for the waves of sociopolitical upheaval that swept over Damota during the last centuries of the Boqqarut. Resulting from the growing disputes between the Lodges and the low nobility, who each claimed power over the small villages which contained the majority of the Damotan population, the period was defined by an effectively unending series of minor skirmishes between local incarnations of those two broader groups.

Typically beginning as struggles over succession in a village—eerily foretelling the eventual fate of the Boqqarut itself—the Wars all tended to follow a similar pattern. A standoff between increasingly-militarized members of either faction would devolve into open violence, with alliances of either nobles or Lodges attempting to interfere in the outcomes of neighboring communities' own struggles. As one of these instances escalated, eventually either the Yenusaawi Damotada—The Damotan Guard, tasked with keeping order in the Boqqarut—or, increasingly, the local Yarkiyē's forces, would attempt to put out the conflict, choosing a side based almost entirely on their own political objectives. While often successful in stopping the initial outburst, the inability of either the Yenusaawis or the Yarkiyēs to permanently garrison the entire realm would inevitably build tensions for another conflict in the future, an issue which only became worse as the final centuries of Damotan history dragged onwards.

Spurred on by both Halakdun and the distraction of both forms of peacekeepers by the challenges of the 9th century, the Wars of Silence would become an ever-escalating pattern of political violence which would flow unbroken into the Etami Tetenik.

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