Godherja Encyclopedia

Yarkiyēt System (concept)

The Yarkiyēt System was an administrative reform of the Boqqarut implemented during the Belar Dynasty. Whereas the administrative system of the Olani Dynasty had consisted of a large variety of small dominions each equivalent before the new Yarkiyēts would, while maintaining the existence of the smaller divisions, place them beneath a new set of more powerful intermediary rulers, tasked with ruling the region in the name of the Boqqar. The newly-enthroned Yarkiyēs, all of whom had been important supporers of Boqqar Raloka's ascension to the throne, were granted expansive authority over their regions, most importantly control over tax revenues and the right to arbitrate disputes in local politics. The Yarkiyē would then, in theory, be relied upon to pass these revenues on to the Boqqar, taking a small cut as a reward for their loyalty as the close associates of the throne.

While this theory worked for a time, the Yarkiyēs rapidly begun to use their powers to manuever against each other for position, pillaging the tax revenues to fund their rivalries against other Yarkiyēs or local opponents. This administrative breakdown was both exacerbated by, and exacerbated, the Wars of Silence, as the expansive local powers wielded by the Yarkiyēs was nonetheless often the only available solution to the chaos spreading across the Boqqarut, leading to an expansion of the system even as the state's coffers began to run dry.

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