Godherja Encyclopedia

The Blood of the Righteous! (event)

Character: Duke Pylartes Dema of Myris

The Malcoisiac Governorial Legions! The pride of Aversaria! From the mongrel hides of old Kartharadd to the mythic heights of the Dragon War and the slaying of the fetid creatures of the void, it is us children of the Purest, of the World City, who have whipped them all from Sarradon to Kathun-Kai! Where once the Governorial Legions of old fell into disarray and to the wayside, the bravest of Aversaria, those soldiers of Malcois, never once faltered as our weak countrymen did. Legion Elenos and its predecessors have fought a hundred campaigns, from the slaves of the Valley to the slaves of the Bleeding Moon! Now here we stand, the last of our ilk, what few comrades there remained destroyed by the brazen barbarian eofwine.GetFirstName along with the last heirs of the Governorate.

There are no more commanders, no more Aautokratirs. Not so long ago we heard of the hells of Elysia, and it will not be long before either the migrant-warlords or our mutinous slaves bring us to a final and glorious battle! If we are the last of the Governorials, then I say me and my men shall die gloriously, as only Aversarians can!

#B We'll give these bastards a right good show, lads! RALLLLYYYYY!